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    沈陽市場研究公司 沈陽市場調研公司 沈陽滿意度調研公司

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    策點調研是中國內地最具競爭力的跨行業市場研究公司,我們的客戶將是具備良好前瞻性的企業或機構,我們協助其洞察中國大陸各個角落數百萬人的真實思想,我們研究、探詢并挑戰思維模式。我們為客戶評估潛在市場、解讀市場趨勢、把脈潛在消費者。我們是一家獨立的專注于市場研究的企業,所 有的研究都植根于事實的土壤。
    策點調研專注于八大核心研究:房地產研究、滿意度研究、政府公共服務研究、消費者研究、行業研究、市場進入研究、廣 告媒介研究以及神秘顧客研究。
    同時,策點調研亦可為客戶個性化制定優質的研究服務;如:大數據研究、監測研究、商圈研究、 新產品 測試研究、知名度研究、薪酬研究、征信研究、職業教育研究等;
    經過逾十年的發展,策點調研的數據采集執行網絡已經基本覆蓋了中國全境。策點在中國大陸地區擁有4300余名訪問員以及 223個執行團隊,在海外擁有 4個合作公司,可對不同區域的數據采集精細執行。

    who am i
        china ceidea market research co., ltd. (ccmr) was founded in 2001, it is a company dedicated to provide one-stop market research services for customers of different industries, headquartered in guangzhou, branch offices in beijing, nanjing, shenyang, chengdu, actively expand domestic research business strategy also make business development overseas at the same time, overseas department was founded in 2013.
    ccmr market research in mainland china is the most competitive one of 10 big market research company, our customers will be a good prospective enterprise or institution, we help them insight into china hundreds of millions of people the real thought, we research, explore and challenge the thinking mode. we assess potential market for customers, market trends, the pulse potential consumers. we are an independent enterprise focus on market research, all studies are rooted in the soil of the facts.
       the core research
    at the same time, ccmr can be personalized for high quality research service for the customer; such as: big data research, monitoring research, business circle research, new product test study, awareness study, compensation research, credit research, vocational education study, etc.;
    ccmr focus on eight core research: real estate research, satisfaction research, the government public service research, consumer research, industry research, market entry research, media research and mystery shopper study.
      research team
    ccmr has the rich experience of the talented, team completed 350 research projects each year, it has good professional perspective and thinking for cross-industry, cross-regional, and interdisciplinary , after more than 10 years of experience accumulation, ccmr has complete and dynamic innovation research techniques, perfect fit for the different needs of different industries
      perform network
        after more than 10 years of development, ccmr of data collection and perform network has been basically covered throughout china. ccmr in mainland china has more than 4300 interviewer and 223 executive team, has four cooperation companies in overseas, give the perfect job and fantastic executive work to any companies in all of china and overseas.
      and let us have a broader field of vision and the ability to provide customers with more quality services
      enterprise value
       ccmr is committed to providing customers with one-stop market research services, and rely on the high quality of the data, puts forward solutions to forward-looking ideas and can be executive.
     corporate vision
       we want to be a global brand in all of the world, and to be the most professional research company in china.
     business position
       learn more about the market , learn more about the society.

    公司名稱: 沈陽策點市場調研有限公司 公司類型: 企業單位 (服務商)
    所 在 地: 遼寧/沈陽市/大東區 公司規模:
    注冊資本: 未填寫 注冊年份: 2001
    保 證 金: 已繳納 0.00
    經營模式: 服務商
    經營范圍: 沈陽市場研究公司 沈陽市場調研公司 沈陽滿意度調研公司
    商務服務、廣告、人才 / 咨詢、策劃
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