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    標王 熱搜: 崗亭  GPS  電子  空調  服裝  軸承  東莞  能源  米粉機  粉絲機 


    品牌: 鴻寶
    規格: 6000*2000
    厚度: 10-350
    型號: HBHG50
    單價: 20.00元/公斤
    起訂: 10 公斤
    發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
    所在地: 山東 德州市 寧津縣
    有效期至: 長期有效
    最后更新: 2017-09-28 18:18
    瀏覽次數: 29


    Imitation ice rink is in last few years in Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries began to popular ice sports products. Benefit from the progress of science and technology, there was no difference in the imitation ice ice and ice really few, have no with unmatched cost advantage. At the same time, from the site, weather, season and air temperature limit, you can enjoy the pleasure of skating, whether inside or outside.


    Imitation of the ice rink is ice sports enthusiasts fashion choices. You can enjoy the pleasure of skating movement but without the high costs and complex refrigeration equipment. Without electricity and water bills, without the maintenance of heavy and complicated, portable, applicable to all the ice skating. There is no limit to the strict site. Innovative manufacturing mode has become today's most market acceptance of imitation ice skating rink.

    仿冰溜冰場完美用于所有大小的溜冰場。其多種用途包括冰球,花樣滑冰,常規溜冰,守門員訓練,嘉年華慶典等等。室內,室外都可以使用。不受季節,場地和環境溫度的限制。 拆裝方便,移動自如。

    Imitation ice rink is perfect for all the size of the skating rink. Its a variety of purposes including ice hockey, figure skating, conventional ice skating, the goalkeeper training, carnival celebrations, and so on. Indoor and outdoor can be used. Is not affected by season, area and the environmental temperature limit. Tear open outfit is convenient, mobile freely.

    本條信息網址: http://www.hopecuff.com/gongying/show-2175005.html
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