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    標王 熱搜: 崗亭  GPS  電子  空調  服裝  軸承  東莞  能源  米粉機  粉絲機 


    單價: 面議
    發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
    所在地: 廣東 東莞市
    有效期至: 長期有效
    最后更新: 2017-05-20 15:23
    瀏覽次數: 232

    Dongguan Hao Tian Electronics Co., Ltd. - HaooTian Division I is a professional design, development manufacture and sale of various types of switches, sockets Headset enterprise, main products. The self-locking switch socket. The key switch. Switch button.DC socket.USB socket. The ship switches. Switches. The door lock switch. Straight key switch. The vibration switch touch switch. The slide. Switch series of products, widely used in household appliances, industrial equipment, instrument and meter, ventilation equipment, fitness equipment and other various fields, the company has R &amp; D rich, and advanced equipment, products have passed UL, VDE, CE, CB, CCC, CQC and other security certification, meet the requirements of environmental protection RoHS. Hao Tian in strict accordance with the ISO:9001:2000 quality management system operation and the establishment of USA UL products laboratory.
    Dongguan Hao Tian electronic with excellent quality, reasonable price, perfect after sale service, to win the trust of customers. Product best-selling Europe and the United States and Southeast Asia, the company will continue to focus on brand and service business philosophy, always follow the study quality, refine on, in order to meet the demands of customers at home and abroad. Http://www.dcchazuo.com/

    東莞市皓天電子有限公司—HaooTian我司是一家專業設計開發制造銷售各類開關,插座的企業,主要制品的耳機插座.自鎖開關.按鍵開關.按鈕開關.DC插座.USB插座.船型開關.微動開關.門鎖開關.直鍵開關.震動開關.輕觸開關.滑動開關系列產品,廣泛應用于家用電器,工業設備,儀器儀表,通風設備,健身器材等各種領域,公司擁有豐富的技術研發,及先進設備,產品先后通過UL, VDE,CE,CB,CCC,CQC等安全認證,符合RoHS環保要求。皓天嚴格按照ISO:9001:2000質量體系運行并建立了 美國UL產品實驗室。

        東莞市皓天電子以優良的品質,合理的售價,完美的售后服務,贏得客戶的信賴。產品暢銷歐美及東南亞,公司將繼續致力于品牌和服務的經營理念,始終遵照鉆研品質,精益求精,為滿足海內外客商的需求。 http://www.dcchazuo.com/

    本條信息網址: http://www.hopecuff.com/gongying/show-585303.html
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