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    標王 熱搜: 崗亭  GPS  電子  空調  服裝  軸承  東莞  能源  米粉機  粉絲機 


    單價: 面議
    發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
    所在地: 廣東 東莞市 黃江
    有效期至: 長期有效
    最后更新: 2015-06-06 09:37
    瀏覽次數: 53

    Precision silicone mat products factory a collection of Hong Kong and Taiwan quality management and production technology of the enterprise, main backbone members in mold design, material formulation selection and application, production and quality management and customer management were more than 10 years work experience, with many of the world's top 500 enterprises OEM and ODM cooperation experience,
    Production of silicone products button; silica gel cushion pad / rubber foot pad pad / EVA Neto lining / EVA rubber foot pad / protective film Chong Die / gum double-sided rubber stamping die-cutting / adhesive self-adhesive Velcro tie / copper and aluminum foil / foam sponge / Pet insulating material sheet / PVC insulation film rubber
    Precision is a and attention synthetic rubber industrial technology research and application of open type enterprise, mainly has four core technology: rubber formula and kneading, sealing system, rubber mold design and processing technology, manufacturing process. Factory to establish a rubber curing curve control technology and the introduction of rubber products production testing equipment, and the establishment of silicone products production quality management system. Essence is a combination of silicone rubber mold and silicone rubber products design, manufacture and sales of professional factory http://www.evaguijiao.com/



    精質是一家并專注合成橡膠工業應用技術研究開發型的企業,主要有四個核心技術:橡膠配方及混練,密封系統設計,橡膠模具的設計加工技術,制造工藝。工廠建立一套橡膠硫化曲線控制技術及引進橡膠制品的生產檢測設備,同時建立硅膠產品的生產質量管理系統。精質是一家結合硅膠橡膠模具及硅膠橡膠制品的設計、制造及銷售的專業工廠廠家 http://www.evaguijiao.com/

    本條信息網址: http://www.hopecuff.com/gongying/show-616953.html
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