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    標王 熱搜: 崗亭  GPS  電子  空調  服裝  軸承  東莞  米粉機  能源  粉絲機 


    單價: 面議
    發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
    所在地: 廣東 東莞市 黃江
    有效期至: 長期有效
    最后更新: 2015-06-10 23:23
    瀏覽次數: 87

    Fine quality packaging products and the Ottomans factory created in June 1998, plant area of 18000 square meters, has more than 50 sets of advanced production equipment, management personnel 80, including 30 product design and senior engineer, 16 sales staff, quality management staff more than 50, employees more than 600 human seminal quality own mold workshop, fast for customers to fight mold.
    Fine quality packaging foot products have clean, high grade dust-free workshop, and introduced the world advanced machinery and equipment (Japanese holes a combination of CNC wire cutting machine, automatic cutting table, multi-functional points of the laminating machine, advanced coating line, double control cutting machine, vulcanizing machine, rubber mixing machine, cut plastic machine, automatic punching machine and 3D precision testing instruments, tension tester) etc. high-end equipment. Strong technical force, improve the production operation process and management system, has successfully passed the ISO9001 ISO14001 certification, the products comply with ROHS, reach and UL standards http://evaguijiao.com/


     精質包裝腳墊制品擁有潔凈、高等級的無塵車間,并引入世界先進的機器設備(日本小孔套位組合線數控模切機、全自動切臺、多功能分條貼合機、先進的涂膠線、雙控裁斷機、硫化機、煉膠機、切膠機、自動沖床及精密3D檢測儀器、拉力檢測儀)等高端設備。技術力量雄厚,有完善的生產運作流程和經營管理體系,已經順利通過ISO9001:2008 ISO14001認證,產品符合ROHS、REACH及UL規范http://evaguijiao.com/

    本條信息網址: http://www.hopecuff.com/gongying/show-618707.html
    免責聲明: 本網站內容來源于網友提供和互聯網公開資料等,僅供參考。本網站不對網站所有信息的準確性、可靠性或完整性提供任何保證,交易匯款需謹慎,請注意調查核實。若文中涉及有違公德、觸犯法律的內容,一經發現,立即刪除,作者需自行承擔相應責任。涉及到版權或其他問題,請及時聯系,我們將在收到通知后第一時間妥善處理。
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