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    標王 熱搜: 崗亭  GPS  電子  空調  服裝  軸承  東莞  米粉機  能源  粉絲機 


    單價: 面議
    發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
    所在地: 廣東 東莞市 黃江
    有效期至: 長期有效
    最后更新: 2016-01-29 20:23
    瀏覽次數: 40

    Switch to Li Ming electronic products factory is attention set design, development, production and sales of switches and sockets of various professional production enterprises, mainly produces self-locking button switch. At the touch of a button. The USB socket. Button switch toggle switch DC socket. A reset switch. The headset socket. Vibration switch. The door lock switch. Detection switch. Rocker switch. Fretting switch. The self-locking switch, key switch. Waterproof switch. With lamp switch series of products, widely used in computers, cars, mobile phones, digital audio, washing machine, microwave oven, electric rice cooker, lampblack machine, air conditioning, refrigerators and other household electrical and electronic equipment, the product is widely at home and abroad manufacturers used popular praise.
    Lee Ming in strict accordance with the ISO9001-2008 quality system of production, the product complies with EU green environmental protection (ROHS) standards.
    Li Ming has always been the espousal of "quality first, adhere to honesty, quick service, pragmatic and innovative" business philosophy, constantly absorbing domestic and foreign advanced technology, combined with years of professional production experience, now have a first-class production equipment and perfect detection system, modern assembly line, automatic detection line and a large number of precision measuring instruments. Rely on strong technical advantages, through continuous research and development and accumulation of manufacturing experience, commitment to create the best manufacturer of switch socket. We will be professional design, stable quality, reasonable price, fast delivery, in good faith to serve every customer. Li Ming electronics, sincerely welcome customers to discuss cooperation, create brilliant tomorrow. Li Ming electronic web site www.anniukaiguan.com to see more switch information.

    利銘電子制品廠 是專注集設計、開發、生產、銷售于開關插座一體的專業性生產型企業,主要生產自鎖按鍵開關.輕觸按鍵開關.USB插座.按鈕開關.撥動開關.DC插座.復位開關.耳機插座.震動開關.門鎖開關.檢測開關.船型開關.微動開關.自鎖開關.按鍵開關.防水開關.帶燈開關等系列產品,廣泛應用于電腦、汽車、手機、數碼音響、洗衣機、微波爐、電飯煲、油煙機、空調、電冰箱等家用電器和電子儀器設備,產品廣泛被國內外廠商所采用,頗受好評。

    利銘始終遵奉 “質量第一,堅守誠信,快速服務,務實創新”的經營理念,不斷吸收國內外先進技術,結合多年之專業生產經驗,現擁有一流的生產設備和完善的檢測系統,現代化的裝配生產線、自動檢測線和大量的精密測量儀器。依靠過硬的技術優勢,通過不斷的研發和積累制造經驗,致力于打造開關插座最優秀的制造商。 我們將以專業的設計、穩定的質量、合理的價格、快捷的交付,真誠地服務于每個客戶。 利銘電子,謁誠歡迎廣大客商洽談合作,共創輝煌明天。利銘電子網站www.anniukaiguan.com查看更多開關信息.

    本條信息網址: http://www.hopecuff.com/gongying/show-689416.html
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